| Project Development
$76 Million in Funding for New Hydro in Alaska & Washington to Provide Clean Energy to Rural and Remote Areas
New hydropower in rural areas of Alaska and Washington received a financial boost earlier this year when the Department of Energy awarded $76 million to four proposed hydro projects – three in Alaska and one in Washington State. The funding represents one of the largest federal investments in new greenfield, non-federal hydropower project deployment. The funding is particularly valuable to the projects in Alaska, where it is challenging for remote communities with small populations to bear the large capital costs associated with constructing these needed facilities, which add reliability and reduce dependency on diesel generation.
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Tour and Explore the Bonneville Lock and Dam During Clean Currents 2024
During this year's Clean Currents in Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday morning, October 8, attendees will be able to visit Bonneville Lock and Dam, located on the Columbia River. Tours of the 1,200 MW facility will go fast, so NHA encourages interested individuals to email Marla Barnes at marla@hydro.org for more information. The deadline for registering for non-U.S. residents is June 26 while U.S. residents have until August 30.

How to Justify Your Attendance at Clean Currents
With Clean Currents coming up in October, have you pitched your Board or manager about sending you to Portland? If not, NHA assembled some valuable information to help guide you through crafting a successful justification for attendance.

NHA ‘Legacy’ Scholarship Helps Fund Students’ Educational Costs, Builds Water Power Career Awareness
The National Hydropower Association's board of directors created the Past Chairs’ Legacy Scholarship in 2008 to help fund expenses for a student pursuing studies related to waterpower, and, by doing so, encourage students to consider becoming part of the U.S. water power industry. This year's winner, Kiersten Wilson, is an environmental engineering student at Colorado School of Mines.
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