The National Hydropower Association (NHA) is a nonprofit national association dedicated exclusively to preserving and expanding clean, renewable, affordable hydropower and marine energy.
OUR VISION: Hydropower, in all its forms, is valued as America’s first and most flexible renewable energy resource to achieve a sustainable, clean and secure electric system in North America.
OUR MISSION: Champion waterpower as America’s premier carbon-free renewable energy resource.
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NHA represents more than 300 companies in the North American hydropower industry, from Fortune 500 corporations to family-owned small businesses.
Our members include both public and investor-owned utilities, independent power producers, developers, equipment providers & manufacturers, service providers, environmental and engineering consultants, attorneys, and public policy, outreach, and education professionals.
NHA members are involved in projects throughout the North American hydropower industry, including both federal and non-federal hydroelectric facilities. NHA members own and operate approximately 85% of the waterpower generating capacity in the United States.
Through membership, individuals and organizations gain access to regulatory bodies, influence over energy and environmental policy and a means to exchange valuable information within the industry.