Sharon White is a Partner at Rock Creek Energy Group, LLP, based in Washington, DC.
Sharon represents a broad range of clients on issues relating to the regulation of hydroelectric projects before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, federal and state regulatory agencies, and the U.S. Courts of Appeal. She has extensive experience providing counsel on licensing and environmental matters under Part I of the Federal Power Act (FPA), the Clean Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered Species Act, and other statutes affecting hydropower development. Sharon regularly represents clients’ interests in a range of hydroelectric regulatory proceedings, including licensing, exemptions, preliminary permits, license transfers and amendments, surrenders and decommissioning, and compliance matters.
Complementing her hydroelectric practice, Sharon also assists electric industry clients on issues relating to the development and acquisition of power projects, market-based rate authorizations, and related regulatory compliance. She also assists clients in preparing reactive power rate filings before FERC and represents them in settlement procedures.
Rock Creek Energy Group was founded in 2021. Prior to joining Rock Creek Energy Group, Sharon was an attorney at Van Ness Feldman, LLP.