NHA created the Past Chairs’ Legacy Scholarship in 2008 to encourage students to consider becoming part of the U.S. waterpower industry. Our growing industry has professionals in many different fields, including engineering, IT, biology, environmental sciences, forestry, hydrology, animal sciences, management, financial services, communications, and other areas. Many companies also offer high-paying skilled labor and technical positions.
Contributions from NHA, the Hydropower Foundation, organizations throughout the industry, and individual givers fund the NHA Past Chairs’ Legacy Scholarship. We encourage everyone who supports the future of clean, renewable, affordable energy to join us in making tax-deductible contributions.
NHA encourages industry companies to distribute information about the scholarship program to their employees, alma maters, local universities, trade schools, and community colleges. If you know of a deserving student, please forward the application materials.
2022 and 2023: Cesar Bedolla-Hurtado – Civil Engineering, Washington State University
2021: Addie Daniels – Civil Engineering, LeTourneau University
2020: Jon Cowart – Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
2019: Jarrett Nugen – Civil Engineering, Western Michigan University.
2018: Alec Jobbins – Mechanical Engineering, University of California – Berkeley.
2017: Jeremy Price – Regional Planning – Environmental and Land Use Planning, University of Massachusetts – Amherst.
2016: Andrew Shea – Environmental and Natural Resources and Philosophy, Ohio State
2015: Scott Schenkelberg – Mechanical Engineering, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
2014: Thomas John Decker, Environmental Engineering, State University of New York College; and Nicole Peterson, Information Science and Technology, University of Wyoming.
2013: Christopher Budrow – Mechanical Engineering, Clarkson University
2012: Kaitlyn Martin – Mechanical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
2011: Andrew Longenecker – Science, Environment and Resources, Stanford University
2010: Namratha Gudemaranahalli – Biology, West Virginia University
2009: Erica Hanley – Hydrological Engineering, specializing in Subsurface Hydrology, The Colorado School of Mines
2008: William C. Garrard – Information Science and Technology, Penn State
Beginning in early 2025, the National Hydropower Association will accept applications for the 2025 NHA Past Chairs’ Legacy Scholarship. The $2,500 scholarship goes to a promising young person who demonstrates the academic skills and commitment to help create the next generation of leaders in the waterpower industry.
Application Details
Who: (1) current college sophomores or juniors who will be college juniors or seniors beginning fall 2023, or graduate students with a minimum cumulative 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) GPA who are enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate course of study at an accredited four-year college or university; (2) Applicants must be students with an equivalent GPA at an accredited vocational-technical school or program. All applicants must be U.S. Citizens or legal residents.
Applicant must be pursuing a program of study that is related to the waterpower industry: Engineering, sciences (biology, fisheries, and hydrology), communications, or environmental studies.
Applications will open in Early 2025.
Application: Will Open Early 2025
Send application to:
The National Hydropower Association
Past Chairs’ Legacy Scholarship Program
Scholarship Management Services
One Scholarship Way
Saint Peter, MN 56082